Current Classes

Guitar Players don’t know their shit.

I was trying to think of a way to put that delicately, but here we are. We talk about ruts and being stuck or bored or whatever, but the truth is always:

We learn ‘how to play the thing (Guitar),’ but not what the thing is actually used for (Music). We can hammer the hell outta nails, but have no idea how to build anything.

Learning Guitar and Music separately is a surefire way to get confused by both, so how’s about we do the smart thing and learn Music through the Guitar, and vice versa?

I.e., ‘Guitar and Music.’
The Sträusbaügh Guitar and Music Academy way means:
  • Learning and applying Guitar and Music Fundamentals simultaneously through..
  • Studying legendary classic Music (Pop/Rock, Jazz/Blues, and Classical/NeoClassical), all while..
  • Being challenged vs. spoonfed and
  • having a good time and actually enjoying the experience.


All classes at SGMA share the same underlying function, the same goal:

Push Guitar Players to become Guitar-Playing Musicians while falling in love with the process.

Classes currently come in two different ‘sizes,’ if you dig…

Wëekend Warrïor Wörkshop, and Musicïan’s Journeÿ.
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Wëekend Warrïor Wörkshop is a 2-Day, 4-Hour Musical Safari designed to drill Fundamentals while introducing serious Guitar Players to what’s possible when they learn Guitar and Music together vs. individually.

Each Workshop focuses on just one legendary piece of Music from one of three distinct Musical styles;

  • Classic Pop/Rock 
  • Blues/Jazz  
  • Classical/NeoClassical

Hands, minds, hearts, and ears are continuously engaged
and challenged as we explore a limited number of ‘key teaching moments’ of each piece.

And I do mean ‘explore;’ all those fancy Music Theory terms and concepts start to fall into place when they have context.

Moreover, they mean something when you learn them through the Guitar.

We focus and truly learn, we don’t cram in ‘all the things.’

And why not just one day for 4 hours?

Because again, less is more. Because I want you to leave Day One still fresh, with a chance to process and practice that material.

Wait, what’s this?!

The Workshop Hang

You learn better if you not only enjoy the experience, but if you like and trust the Teacher, as well, right?

On the evening of Day 1, you’re invited to The Workshop Hang, a kind of extended ‘Q&A/Day One After Party’ where Students are encouraged to interact and ask all the Guitar and Music questions, ie., not just Workshop-related.

Seen stuff on the YouTubes that’s confusing? Heard about modes or keys or Circles of Fifths? Ask away!

But instead of regular ol’ answers, I’ll answer your questions with explanation, demonstration, and improvisation.

Talk about ‘thorough.’

The Workshop Hang could easily be sold as a standalone experience, is worth the price of admission alone, and caps off our first day together in a way that entertains and educates!

Then… when you come back for Day Two, what we’ve learned in Day One is still fresh in your mind.

We recap and review, but Day Two is not gonna go down like you think!

This is real learning. This is how foundations start to get built.

Wëekend Warrïor Wörkshop:
  • 4 hours of ‘Guitar and Music Fundamentals’ Masterclass Instruction by a former College Music Professor w/three Master’s degrees in Music
  • 2 hours Weekend HangAfter Party/Q&A 
  • Choose from three genres: Pop/Rock, Jazz/Blues, Classical/NeoClassical

Tuition: $399.

Each Workshop is sold as an individual event on the S.G.M.A. Campus.  Click below to see upcoming Workshops and Buy Tickets!

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The Workshop Hang

You learn better if you not only enjoy the experience, but if you like and trust the Teacher, as well, right?

On the evening of Day 1, you’re invited to The Workshop Hang, a kind of extended ‘Q&A/Day One After Party’ where Students are encouraged to interact and ask all the Guitar and Music questions, ie., not just Workshop-related.

Seen stuff on the YouTubes that’s confusing? Heard about modes or keys or Circles of Fifths? Ask away!

But instead of regular ol’ answers, I’ll answer your questions with explanation, demonstration, and improvisation.

Talk about ‘thorough.’

The Workshop Hang could easily be sold as a standalone experience, is worth the price of admission alone, and caps off our first day together in a way that entertains and educates!

Then… when you come back for Day Two, what we’ve learned in Day One is still fresh in your mind.

We recap and review, but Day Two is not gonna go down like you think!

This is real learning. This is how foundations start to get built.

Wëekend Warrïor Wörkshop:
  • 4 hours of ‘Guitar and Music Fundamentals’ Masterclass Instruction by a former College Music Professor w/three Master’s degrees in Music
  • 2 hours Weekend HangAfter Party/Q&A 
  • Choose from three genres: Pop/Rock, Jazz/Blues, Classical/NeoClassical

Tuition: $399.

Each Workshop is sold as an individual event on the S.G.M.A. Campus.  Click below to see upcoming Workshops and Buy Tickets!

Müsician’s Joürneÿ

Ever heard of Joseph Campbell’s famous ‘Hero’s Journey’ story archetype? 

You’ve definitely seen it; the ultimate Accidental Hero.

An unsuspecting ‘Regular Person’ is thrust into a series of adventures. Stuff is going south, but at just the right moment, our beleaguered Hero bumps into The Trusted Mentor. With The Mentor’s guidance, our Hero defeats The Main Bad Guy, and emerges transformed and wizened by their experience.

The Hero receives many crisp high-fives.

Frodo and Bilbo, Katniss, Luke Skywalker, Harry Potter, Daniel-San, the list goes on.

Musician’s Journeÿ is your ‘Music and Guitar’ Hero’s Journey. But without life-threatening peril or Ewoks.

But you do have The Trusted Mentor: me!

Naturally, you begin Musician’s Journeÿ at the Beginning. You’ve watched all the videos, accumulated ca. 61 million disconnected and random words and terms and songs and chords, etc., and contracted one serious case of Guitar Existentialism.

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But you’re not alone;

Musicïan’s Journeÿ features cohort-based learning, a ‘collaborative approach to learning where students or individuals advance together through a program.’

Over the course of 12 weeks, you and your small Cohort learn and grow and solve Musical puzzles and create as a group, in real time.

Collectively, your Class is pushed into the transformation that’s necessary to evolve from ‘frustrated and confused Guitar Player’ to the confident and prepared Guitar-Playing Musician that lives in your head.

You’re in a ‘Guitar and Music’ Fellowship of the Ring!

That includes your ‘Home Room’ on the S.G.M.A. Campus, with dedicated Class chat threads, shared articles, student performances, etc.


But you’re not alone;

Musicïan’s Journeÿ features cohort-based learning, a ‘collaborative approach to learning where students or individuals advance together through a program.’

Over the course of 12 weeks, you and your small Cohort learn and grow and solve Musical puzzles and create as a group, in real time.

Collectively, your Class is pushed into the transformation that’s necessary to evolve from ‘frustrated and confused Guitar Player’ to the confident and prepared Guitar-Playing Musician that lives in your head.

You’re in a ‘Guitar and Music’ Fellowship of the Ring!

That includes your ‘Home Room’ on the S.G.M.A. Campus, with dedicated Class chat threads, shared articles, student performances, etc.


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The Inner Sanctum/Q&A

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Learning from your Mentor is one thing.

Getting the opportunity to look ‘behind the curtain’ and observe your Mentor’s Musical routine is something on a completely different level.

Every week, in addition to our dedicated classes, you’re invited, nay, encouraged! to join me live as I do my thing and: practice various aspects of my technique, improvise, compose, etc.

And since I’m always ‘on duty’ as a Teacher, we’ll take breaks and make it all relatable ‘teachable moments!’

Inner Sanctum serves as a source of inspiration and a further point of connection, but it also serves as our weekly  Q&A session.

Obviously, I want you there, but if you can’t make it live, it will all be recorded.


At the end of your Musician’s Journey, we say goodbye with our..

Journey’s End Jamboree!

That’s a fun little name for our S.G.M.A. ‘Last Hurrah’ Concert/Improv/Jam Session, hosted by your loving Teacher and with plenty of opportunities for Students to strut their stuff, holler requests, ask all manner of questions, etc.!

And when you’ve completed your Musician’s Journey, you aren’t a ‘Guitar Player.’ 
You’ve transformed into a Guitar-Playing Musician.
Musician’s Journey
  • 12-Week ‘Guitar and Music’ Hero’s Journey
  • Finally understand Guitar and Music through guided experimentation, creation, and exploration of the three Fundamental aspects of Music: Melody, Harmony, Rhythm
  • Cohort-Based Learning
  • Live weekly Masterclass (18 total hours)
  • Live weekly Inner Sanctum/Q&A (18 total hours)
  • Dedicated online S.G.M.A. Campus and Home Room
  • Journey’s End Jamboree!

Musician’s Journey is an incredibly exclusive opportunity limited to a handful of classes of 25 Students, and is intended for those who are serious and committed to finally becoming the Guitar-Playing Musician they’ve always wanted to be.

And when you’ve completed your Musician’s Journey, you aren’t a ‘Guitar Player.’ 
You’ve transformed into a Guitar-Playing Musician.
Musician’s Journey
  • 12-Week ‘Guitar and Music’ Hero’s Journey
  • Finally understand Guitar and Music through guided experimentation, creation, and exploration of the three Fundamental aspects of Music: Melody, Harmony, Rhythm
  • Cohort-Based Learning
  • Live weekly Masterclass (18 total hours)
  • Live weekly Inner Sanctum/Q&A (18 total hours)
  • Dedicated online S.G.M.A. Campus and Home Room
  • Journey’s End Jamboree!

Musician’s Journey is an incredibly exclusive opportunity limited to a handful of classes of 25 Students, and is intended for those who are serious and committed to finally becoming the Guitar-Playing Musician they’ve always wanted to be.

Click below to apply!